Saturday, March 3, 2012

Implementing the Account and Financial Dimensions Framework for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Applications

Hi there!

As you probably already know, in AX 2012, the account and financial dimensions framework has been modified from its previous version (AX 2009). It is really interesting to see an evolution in the financial dimensions framework since AX 2009.

Let's go back a little bit. In AX 2009, a ledger account was represented by a single string value and was considered to be separate from the financial dimensions. In addition, Ledger accounts were stored in the LedgerTable table.

For example, financial dimensions. (Financial dimensions were referenced as an array of up to 10 array elements that each held the string value of a foreign key to the Dimensions table. All financial dimension values were stored in the Dimensions table.)

Based on my recent research, Microsoft has dramatically enhanced the account and financial framework to provide substantially more functionality. Further, to support this new functionality, the data model has also been completely redesigned. Ok, sounds great and impressive but what does this means for us?

Well, our job is about to get more interesting. Why? Because...

  1. We will need to update every reference to ledger accounts and financial dimensions in existing applications to reference the new data model.
  3. Each of the account and financial dimensions patterns has a corresponding AX form control.
  4. Form controls provide a consistent implementation of the functionality across the application and a simplified programming model for the framework.
  5. Account form controls combine the Segmented Entry control and a controller class. Further. the Segmented Entry control is a general-purpose Microsoft Dynamics AX client control that is being introduced in AX 2012.
  6. The controller class is an X++ class that handles the events raised by the Segmented Entry control.
  7. The combination of a control and an underlying class allows the user to see a dynamic number of segments, based on the values the user provides.

This is indeed a great opportunity for us to keep learning, adjusting and evolving around this new changes. However, this opportunity comes with great challenges, lots of study, and practice. Well, let's not be too worried about it as AX 2012 still has ledger accounts and financial dimensions, but the definition of these terms has changed slightly to account for the new functionality.

Anyhow, there is great white paper that goes over all the new changes in great detail. You can download the white paper here

Take care!


  1. I am knew to AX,Can you tell me about what is the mean of Financial dimension
    why we use it ..base leval not in ax general words
    If anyone can help me understand this linking I would greatly appreciate it. I will check back for any replies or you can email me at Thanks

    1. Hi Ashu,

      Thanks for reading my blog. Regarding the financial dimensions in AX2012, I can say that the financial dimensions gives more deep analysis for transactions occurred on General Ledger accounts. Financial Dimension also provide more control and analytical view on transactions ocurring on expenses accounts (i.e.) where a user can analyze account balances according to financial dimensions assigned to Ledger Accounts.

      I hope this helps!


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